Don't let aches and pains slow you down
There are things you want to get up and do. You are determined to find a way to do it without so much pain. If someone can help you get there, so much the better.
We can help you manage
We cannot reverse arthritis or undo disk herniations. What we can do is treat the muscle problems that often go along with it. And we can often show you better ways of using your body that produce less wear-and-tear, so you can have more good days in a row. Sometimes, we can clear the pain completely. Other times, we can reduce it to just an annoyance, instead of something that controls your day.
Rise to your potential
Set up a quick phone consultation where we'll really listen to you. We'll discuss your pain, any medical complications you may have, and our projected outcomes.
Come in for a treatment. During the session, we'll investigate more specifically what's causing your pain so we can use the right techniques to address it.
I'll send a note to your doctor explaining what we found and asking for permission to treat you for a few more visits. The goal is to help you in just a few visits, not to make you dependent on me over the long term.